Choir of Sretensky Monastery Текст Видео
Ah, the steppe so wide 04:12
Choir of Sretensky Monastery Текст Видео
Spring shall come but not for me 03:38
Male choir of the Moscow stauropigal Saint Daniel Monastery Текст Видео
Gladsome Radiance 02:20
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Cherubic Hymn 07:29
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Litany for the Reposed 05:16
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
From the First, Remember O Lord 01:40
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Augmented Litany 05:01
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Come Let Us Worship 00:52
Choir of Sretensky Monastery Текст Видео
In the smithy 01:51
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Troparia 03:38
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
A Mercy of Peace 08:50
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Great Litany 04:40
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Only-Begotten Son 01:17
Choir of Danilov monastery Moscow Текст Видео
Tgird Antiphon 03:47
Choir of Danilov monastery Moscow Текст Видео
Holy Anaphora 09:32
Choir of Sretensky Monastery Текст Видео
White acacias 03:27
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Antiphon 1 ;Bless the Lord, O My Soul 01:19
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Trisagion 03:15
Choir of Sretensky Monastery Текст Видео
Song of my troubled youth 03:32
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
The Symbol of Faith 02:34
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Communion Verse "Blessed is He Whom Thou Has Chosen 06:08
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео Our Father 03:29
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
The End of Liturgy;Preserve O Lord 02:33
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
It is Truly Meet 03:02
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Reading from the Holy Gospels 03:24
Choir of Sretensky Monastery Текст Видео
Oh, to the hills 01:47
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Reading from the Epistles 05:09
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Litany of Fervent Supplication 02:02
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
ἐκτενὴς 03:55
Choir of Sretensky Monastery Текст Видео
I will go with my horse to the field by night 04:26
Choir of Sretensky Monastery Текст Видео
How the mist has cleared 03:12
Male choir of the Moscow stauropigial Saint Daniel Monastery Текст Видео
Open Me the Doors of Repetance, tone 8. Покаяния отверзи ми двери, глас 8 (напев Зосимовой пустыни) 04:37
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
In Thy Kingdom Remember Us, O Lord 03:41
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Blessed is He Whom Thou Has Chosen 06:08
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
The End of Liturgy "Preserve O Lord" 02:33
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
The End of Liturgy "Preserve O Lord" 02:33
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Antiphon; Bless the Lord, O My Soul 01:19
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Antiphon "Bless the Lord, O My Soul 01:19
Choir of Sretensky Monastery Текст Видео
Misty morning 03:11
Choir Moscow Theological Academy Текст Видео
''O Queen of the heavenly Host...'' Hypatiev monastery chant 01:33
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Communion Verse;Blessed is He Whom Thou Has Chosen 06:08
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Communion Verse "Blessed is He Whom Thou Has Chosen 06:08
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Blessed is He that Cometh in the Name of the Lord 01:18
Choir of Sretensky Monastery Текст Видео
White acacias 03:26
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Antiphon "Bless the Lord, O My Soul 01:19
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Great Litany 04:41
Choir of Sretensky Monastery Текст Видео
I will go with my horse to the field by night 04:04
Choir of Sretensky Monastery Текст Видео
The enemy burned my family home 04:25
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Cherubic Hymn 05:15
Male choir of the Moscow stauropigial Saint Daniel Monastery Текст Видео
Gladsome Radiance (strochnoe chanting) Свете тихий (строчный напев) 02:22
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
A Mercy of Peace 08:51
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Only-Begotten Son 01:18
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Reading from the Holy Gospels 03:25
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео Our Father 03:30
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Cherubic Hymn 07:30
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Litany of Fervent Supplication 02:03
Choir of Sretensky Monastery Текст Видео
Cherubic Hymn 07:29
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
In Thy Kingdom Remember Us, O Lord 03:42
Choir of Sretensky Monastery Текст Видео
Evening bells 02:09
Choir of Sretensky Monastery Текст Видео
The battalion has advanced 01:31
Choir of Sretensky Monastery Текст Видео
Oh, to the hills 01:46
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео Дорожка 14 02:34
Choir of Sretensky Monastery Текст Видео
Down the Mother Volga 03:47
Choir of Sretensky Monastery Текст Видео
On the hill, on the mountain 01:18
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео Дорожка 19 03:29
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Cherubic Hymn 05:14
Choir of Sretensky Monastery Текст Видео
Brothers, it's good to live 07:09
Choir of Sretensky Monastery Текст Видео Конь 04:26
Festal Choir Of Moscow Saint-Danel Stavropigial Monastery Feat. Protodeacon Andre (Papkov) Текст Видео
O Most Pure Mother Of My Christ 04:19
Sretensky Monastery Choir Текст Видео
Christus Resurrexit 00:28
Male Choir of the Moscow Representation Church of the Holy Trinity - St. Sergius Monastery Текст Видео Дорожка 17 05:01
Male Choir of the Moscow Representation Church of the Holy Trinity - St. Sergius Monastery Текст Видео
The Great Doxology 06:48
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Choir of Sretensky Monastery Текст Видео
Воскресни Боже (А. Турчанинов) 04:33