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3.5 МБ 160 Кб/с
Selena Gomez & The SceneТекстВидео It's the boy who never told I like you It's the girl you let get away It's the one you saw that day on the train But you freaked out and walked away It's the plane you wanna catch to Vegas Things you swear you do before you die It's t03:14
3 МБ 128 Кб/с
Finch - Letters to you*ТекстВидео *(Can't you see that I wanna be there with open arms.It's empty tonight and I'm all alone Get me through this one.Do you notice I'm gone Where do you run to so far away.I want you to know that-I miss you, I miss you so...)*03:19
SHANNON - Do You Wanna Get Away (Album Version)ТекстВидео 198504:54